• 工作日
  • 常见问题解答
  • 工作日常见问题



    工作日 is a system that will allow 云顶集团 to recruit new employees, store employee records, process hiring and benefits information and run payroll and all our critical 会计和业务流程. 与PowerCampus、Great Plains、Ultipro不同, and Interview Exchange, 工作日 is a single, unified, modern, secure, and mobile-ready system that will replace 的se disparate systems and provide a single interface to 支持所有这些不同的业务功能. 这些将很快在 一个地方在网络上,通过移动云顶集团程序.

    How is 工作日 related to 的 institution’s strategic plan?

    Investing in technology will allow 云顶集团 to serve its students, faculty, and staff more efficiently, which is a key component of 的 College's strategic plan. 了解更多关于云顶集团的战略计划.


    Here are some of 的 actions you can perform 在工作日:

    • View and update personal employee data including compensation and benefits packages
    • 更新银行信息和查看工资存根
    • 管理好下班时间.g.,休假,公休,FMLA)
    • 提交日常工作的考勤
    • 提交和批准费用报告
    • 管理采购和供应商需求
    • Manage new hire process from recruiting to onboarding
    • Document and manage goal-setting, mid-term reviews, and performance reviews
    • 使用 mobile app (offered but 不 required) to quickly manage processes (e.g.,创建 expense reports, submit time off, and update personal information)

    Can employees update 的ir personal information 在工作日?

    是的, employees can view and easily update much of 的ir own personal information in 工作日 at any time, including preferred name, pronoun, gender identity, and more. Changes requiring legal documentation, such as a legal name change or change in citizenship status, can also be submitted through 工作日 for routing to Human 资源. 请 查看相关的工作帮助 工作培训 网站 . These types of 就业援助s can be found in 的 “工作日 Essentials for All 员工” section.

    How will I be 不ified when actions need to be performed 在工作日?

    工作日 functionality includes a personal inbox w在这里 不ifications are received. 工作日 will 不ify users through email that 的y have a pending task to complete 在工作日. Thus, users will 不 have to log into 工作日 daily to check if 的y have 工作日收件箱里的任务.


    注册期限将保持不变. 员工可以轻松地更新和管理 的ir benefits through 工作日 and will no longer need to fill out paper forms and 提交给HR. 员工 can also see 的ir entire compensation and benefits package.


    You can easily review or update your current direct deposit using 的 ‘Update Payment 在你的工作日档案中有选举. 使用 就业援助 to add/edit/manage your payment elections for direct deposit. 

    W在这里 can I find 的 biweekly and/or monthly pay period schedules?


    在工作日中创建和管理费用报表. 员工创建一个报告, indicates 的 business purpose, attaches a photo of 的 receipt, and includes a brief 描述. The expense report is sent electronically to 的 manager for approval. 请云顶集团 工作培训 to review 的 就业援助s related to expense reports under 的 section, 在工作日用钱工作.


    员工 who enter time can enter 的ir time worked in 的 mobile app. 员工 can view time off balances and submit absence/leave requests. 经理可以批准 请假请假. You can access your inbox, view your payslip, and complete 其他基本的自助服务功能. 对于更高级的业务流程,使用 桌面版的工作日. 工作日移动云顶集团程序的使用是可选的. 使用 的 就业援助 设置工作日移动云顶集团程序.

    What should I do if I'm having an issue with 工作日?



    What types of paid absences are available for staff to request?


    Vacation, sick, bereavement, community service, injury, jury duty, unpaid time off.


    Maryland State sick, bereavement, community service, injury, jury duty.

    我是一名非工会成员.  我如何请求、更正或取消缺勤?

    使用 就业援助 请示.

    我是一个服务和维修工会的工作人员.  我如何请求、纠正或 取消缺席?

    使用 就业援助 通过考勤表提交缺勤请求. 登录工作日更正或 取消缺席 request; 使用 就业援助 请示.

    Can I request, correct, and/or 取消缺席 using 的 mobile app?

    是的. 使用 就业援助 下载移动云顶集团程序.

    I requested absences in UKG/UltiPro for dates that occurred 2023年3月17日之后.  我需要在工作日也要求他们吗?


    Absences that were requested and approved in UKG/UltiPro for dates 2023年3月17日之后 需要在工作日重新输入.


    Absences that were requested and approved in UKG/UltiPro for dates after 2023年3月31日 需要在工作日重新输入.

    How do I request an absence that is related to 的 Family and Medical 休假法(FMLA)?

    使用这个 网站 发起FMLA请求. Once your FMLA is approved by 的 Office of Human 资源, 使用 就业援助 to set up leave and request paid time off 在工作日.

    我是免职职员.  Under what circumstances, would I select ‘unpaid time 了”?

    1. If you have exhausted your available ‘vacation time off,’ you may select ‘unpaid time 了” for a full day absence to handle personal affairs.
    2. If you have exhausted your available ‘sick time off,’ you may select ‘unpaid time 因病请了一天假.
    3. 你做 需要为FMLA缺勤选择“无薪休假”




    使用 就业援助 请示

    I see an absence balance for Community Service Leave.  那是什么??

    云顶集团 College’s Community Service Leave policy is available 在这里. Follow 的 same request procedures for Community Service Leave, 就像你申请休假或病假一样.

    Will my absence balance reduce when 的 leave is requested, approved, or taken?

    1. Your absence balance will reduce when 的 time off is taken. 
    2. You can go to ‘View Absence’ and change 的 effective date to see available balances 在未来的某一天.

    我是一名非豁免工作人员.  如果我在考勤表上填写缺勤(而不是 by requesting an absence), will my leave balance adjust accordingly?




    How do I approve an absence request for a direct report?

    使用 就业援助 请示.

    Can I approve my direct report’s absence request using 的 mobile app?


    Can I correct or add an absence request on behalf of my direct report(s)?

    是的,见第4页 就业援助 请示.

    What is my role if a direct report requests an absence related to 的 Family and Medical 休假法(FMLA)?

    使用 就业援助 管理FMLA休假申请.